Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Noticable Progress

So after two very long days working on the boat, there is a lot of progress to report.

To begin with, I went over the topsides with 80 grit paper to smooth out all the filler, and in the process also removed a lot of other imperfections in the hull and discovered yet another layer of some type of primer or residue on the hull, which has been removed leaving the boat looking great.

After going over the topsides, I moved on to sanding the filler on the cabin, which is pretty smooth now. I finally got around to sanding the paint off of the companionway hatch (the top), which was the last of the old paint to come off the boat.

As much fun as sanding outside in the 80 degree heat (I had to stop a couple times because of the sweat dripping down my face and pooling in my goggles), I moved into the cabin and finally got some painting down below.

While its not exactly glamorous, I painted the anchor locker, and all the under-berth storage areas.
While I hadn't initially planned to paint the bilge, even though I wanted to, I compromised and just painted the hull sides down until the bottom, but not the bottom itself or any of the floor joists.
I really didn't want to paint the very bottom because it had never been painted before and I didn't want to deal with any paint flaking off and getting clogged in the bilge pump in any high abrasion areas.

While a lot of this is pretty subtle, I think its pretty good progress. While I'll be in the office for the next couple days, I am hoping (weather permitting) that on Saturday the first coat of epoxy can go on the hull and cabin, and then the two coats of Interlux primer on Monday and Tuesday.

Friday marks the 3 year anniversary of when I purchased the boat...above is what I hope it will look like soon.

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