Monday, June 23, 2008

In the Begining

So this whole project begins back in the summer of 2005. I had just wrapped up high school, wasn't working in the summer, and just hanging around Marblehead. At the end of June I was in the boatyard, working to get my Mako 20 ready for the 4th of July. Taking a break from varnishing, I wandered around the boatyard and noticed a much-neglected sailboat at the back of the yard, half under vines, cover less and looking for a new owner. While at first I didn't think anything of it, as I got closer to finishing restoring my Mako I realized that I was going to miss having a project to work on, and partially wanted to get a new sailboat anyway. I pondered it a little more, and spent some time googling, trying to figure out what kind of boat it was, and anything about it. Eventually I discovered that it was a Sailmaster 22, designed by Sparkman & Stephens, and built in Holland in the 1960's. Everything I found online about the boat seemed pretty positive, and it seemed like a great opportunity for a project and then a great little boat. Why I wanted to get rid of the Mako that I had just spend years perfecting is beyond me, and maybe I should have paid attention to this paragraph in a Spinsheet Magazine review:
"Prospective owners should keep in mind that these boats, if not already there, are rapidly approaching 40 years old and are likely to require a significant amount of work to restore or maintain their condition."
Well regardless, I was pretty interested and contacted the owner, and quickly, perhaps too quickly, I had a deal to purchase the boat and before I knew it, I was the owner of the boat. We signed on July 17th, 2005, and I began working the next week.

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